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Indian Megastar Performs In Dubai With Outline Butterfly Whilst not perhaps immediately familiar to Western audiences, the name AR Rahman could hardly be better known in his native India. In fact, with total sales in excess of 300 million units, the Indian composer, singer-songwriter, record producer, musician, multi-instrumentalist and philanthropist is one of the world’s best selling artists. A prolific writer of film scores (including ‘Slumdog Mill.. 더보기
John Denver Tribute event_ Dowlen Sound fields winning combination of Outline products at John Denver Tribute event A very special tribute to the life and work of legendary American singer, songwriter, activist, poet and photographer John Denver recently took place at the 1ST Bank Center in Broomfield, Colorado. To mark his commitments to humanitarian, sustainability and conservation causes the event was held on Earth Day.. 더보기
Outline at the BBC Electric Proms Elton John, Robert Plant and Neil Diamond perform on the Electric Proms stage at the Roundhouse. For 5 years, the “resident PA” has been Brit Row’s Butterfly. Camden Town, London (October/November 2010) – The BBC, Britain’s largest and most authoritative TV broadcaster, put Elton John, Robert Plant e Neil Diamond on stage for its 2010 Electric Proms. It was therefore only to be expected that the.. 더보기
Outline - always on the ball Outline - always on the ball Britannia Row and Robert Lawrence keep American football fans partying with Italian audio systems London, Wembley Stadium (Oct. 25th 2010) – The event was the USA coming to London in the shape of total American indulgence and razzmatazz - yes - American football. A sport that’s not just tough, but combines a good day out with a full day’s entertainment. October 25th .. 더보기
Korea's GoChon Church Equipped with Outline Gear SEOUL, South Korea - Home to the well-known Kimpo International Youth Orchestra and recognized for its award-winning architectural design, GoChon Church is also getting to be more widely known for its sound system. The design and install team with Hebsiba Multimedia chose Outlinearrays and H.A.R.D. monitors for the job. The church, built in 2009, was designed to function as a performing arts cen.. 더보기
Outline at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival Outline provides Kingston Audio the solution for challenges faced at New Orleans Jazz Festival New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2010 – The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, is a seven-day cultural festival at which thousands of musicians, chefs and craftsmen welcome 400,000 visitors every year. In its 41st year, it is one of the longest running and most successful music festivals in the US. The int.. 더보기
Outline at Healing Place Church Arena Baton Rouge, LA, USA – Healing Place Church (featured as “One of America’s Most Innovative Churches” in Outreach Magazine) has recently moved into its brand new worship facility, the HPC Arena (http://www.healingplacechurch.com/). To serve the 3,000-seat Sanctuary, SIA Acoustics, responsible for sound system and acoustical design, selected Outline products to reliably reproduce the word and musi.. 더보기
Outline sound for Robbie Williams return Britannia Row’s Outlinearray supported the return of the one and only Robbie Williams at London’s Roundhouse Outline’s Butterfly VLA was again requested by both the BBC and London's Roundhouse for the 2009 Electric Proms season. Supplied by Britannia Row, the system comprised 12 CDH 483 hi packs per side, supplemented by 3 Mantas “Wide boxes” each hang and 12 Subtech 218s, all driven by Outline’.. 더보기
The Opera 'Jung-geun Ahn'_entertainment technology asia entertainment technology asia에 기재된 기사입니다. 더보기
Outline Demo동영상_ Showay di Bergamo,sentiremo;kanguro,mini C.O.M.P.A.S.S. E Butterfly 더보기