outline스피커 썸네일형 리스트형 GSR ’Basic’ System-User Provides Power Amplifier The Basic System includes the Outline GSR loudspeaker, interconnection cable for power amplifier based on end-user’s power amplifier, and stands for tripod or floor mounting. 1. O-GSR - Globe Source loudspeaker 2. A-SP-GSR+W Golfare M10 - Floor Stand and Mounting Bolt 3. A-NL-8xx - Loudspeaker Cable for connecting to your Amplifier 4. A-STAND 2 - Adju.. 더보기 FX 81 더보기 S 118 & S 218 더보기 B 115 & B 215 더보기 H 102 더보기 H 081 더보기 M1, M2, M3 더보기 LAB 15 SP / LAB 15 더보기 Subtech 218SP/218 더보기 Spectra Bass 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 다음